Kentucky Fried Chicken in Indonesia |
The meeting with Elder Evans was awesome!! I loved it!! I
was so happy because we didn't really focus so much on skills. But we really
focused on "becoming" and change and remembering our purpose here
which is to really bring others to Christ. And we talked about obedience and
miracles and lots of other really awesome things. I just really felt that this
was more what we needed. We didn't need a lecture about how we could do better
in everything, but we needed that reminder and inspiration that this is the
Lord's work and we ARE the Lord's servants. I also really loved it because
Elder Evans made it apparent to us that he expects us to be better and the Lord
expects us to be better., But the really amazing thing is that the Lord WILL
HELP us become better. We just need to have the right desires and submit our
will to his! We also talked about goals and he used the example of the prophet
Nephi and his brothers Laman and Lemuel. The brothers were afraid to do the
Lords work because there was a powerful man standing as an obsatacle - a man
"who could command fifty" but to Nephi - it did not matter. He knew
the power of the Lord and he knew all things were possible in God, so he
believed and acted with faith!!! Anyways it was great!!!
Also in fun news - we've spent the last two Sundays in the
Jeffreys house for church because our old church is completely destroyed, but
the new one isn't ready yet - that's been fun!! :)
This week was pretty rough in terms of working because we
became a threesome and it rained so much!! If anyone has ideas of what could be
done in the rain (especially Drew) please tell me :)
I love you all!! Life is so good!!! I know that Christ lives
and he wants to help and bless all of us in this life!!!!
Elder Brown