Mother, Elder Subagio and I - we LOVE the first prompting -
we talk about that part of the talk all the time AND in MLC(the leadership
meeting) AND in PLD(the Zone meeting with PResident)! So it sound like you and
President and the Spirit are well in tune!!
I got sick right before I came but I realized today that I
feel just great! I grabbed one clean shirt - it was SO white!! Wow!! No need to
send more yet ... maybe later but I'll probably just buy them here if I need
to! Sorry I used personal money recently - I was tempted (and taken in) by
Jamba Juice and Quiznos - I mean who knew those existed in this country haha!
Great work on the family history!!
So sad about Rusty - hope we find him!
Just some highlights of my week!
PLD or Zone Conference - Elder Subagio and I were in charge
of setting everything up and the food - so we ate... DOMINOS PIZZA!! ya!! It
was way good (though not as good or as big as American!) I ate 12 slices -
which was two medium pizzas (Yes Drew, be proud!) though I think a medium
here is more like a small there! Sister Rowley was very impressed and she asked
- are you full ? and my answer was "Ya, not really" haha! On that
note- I got to see 6 of my MTC group - two of whom for the first time since the
MTC and they ALL said that I am fat! So we're working on that :)
It was really great- we learned a lot!! Elder Meredith of
the 70 randomly showed up - he was really cool and he taught us a lot from the
scriptures from MArk 2 and other places!! It was cool! I was a little nervous
because I was the one conducting. It was cool though - he told me good job :)
Then the next day, Elder Bell woke up pretty sick and he said "Elder Brown
- I have to speak today - will you speak for me?" But it was in the
English ward so that was a little weird. So I really didn’t have time to
prepare before we had to leave. But man it was a cool experience - I learned SO
much about my Savior as I thought about it and prepared a bit on the way!
Wow I just know with all of my heart that Jesus Christ
really did live and He really did suffer for ALL of our sins and our sicknesses
and our pains- everything! and it was only possible because of His incredible
love for us! I love Doctrine and Covenants 18: 10-14 or so. "The worth of
souls is great in the sight of God!" WOW! IT's incredible! I shared my
favorite poem about "THe Touch of the Masters Hand" - THank you mom!
And that line from the hymn "A Green Hill Far Away" "we cannot
know, we cannot tell what pains he had to bear, but we believe it was for us He
hung and suffered there." I believe that!! It's incredible!
After my talk (with Elder Meredith attending and President
Rowley showing up halfway through), Elder Meredith told me that I did a great
job and I had a good command of the scriptures - that actually made me feel so
good! So never lose a chance to give a compliment and make someone else's day!
We also found some awesome people this week - or more
exactly some other awesome missionaries found really cool people that live in
our area haah! I want to learn sign language - there is a fantastic
sister in the English ward that is fluent and helps us!!
Hey I love you all! Life is great!! I hope you have an
amazing week!1
Elder Brown
WOW all of them are awesome! Way proud of Sam and Ryan
Rehkow! That's fantastic ! And Austin too!
GO Alice!!
If you have time please find out what happened to Bryce! And
if he is vaulting tellking him I'm sheering him on and if not - I just love
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