Family - I am sorry I didn't really have time to read and respond to all your emails!
Mom I got your package - thank you SO much!! It is exactly
what I wanted!!!
Kyle, Kendra I hope you had an amazing birthday because you
both are amazing!
Just a few highlights from my
We went on Splits to Surabaya!
It was way awesome!! Elder Harrison and Elder Day are incredible! We'll go
there again this week for PLD or Zone Conferene with President! Exciting! In
Surabaya had some adventures - invited some people to be baptized it was great!
This coming week, Elder Ostermiller and I are going to
invite all of them and many more to be baptized! Wahoo!!!
I don't know if you got the picture of the lizard on my head
- but that was when I was asleep _ I had no idea ahah! But don;t worry my comp
came to the rescue - he took a cool picture and then... left it on my head
haha! Great companion!
I just heard that Grandpa Brown died this week and that was
really hard but I do know with all my heart that there is more to this world
than just this life only. I know there is a God in heaven and He loves us and
He has a beautiful plan of Salvation for us!
The plan of Salvation is real!
What am I doing everyday but telling people that there is more to life than just
being born and dying? I know that it is true and that we all can return to live with God again! I know that it is true and that we will all gather
together again after this life! I know that! I love you all! I pray for you
each and everyday!
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