How are Dal and Kayla doing?? They
look good! When is Arianne's due date oficially????
Go Zags!!
I am really good Mom - I know
why I'm here and President taught me that "the main thing is to keep the
main thing the main thing" and I really need to work on that. If i
remember the true reasons for me being here, I will be so much more patient,
loving and understanding. But I'm good - always missing you!
YOu know what's crazy - my boy
Elder Cravens goes home in two weeks - can't believe that! It seems not to long
ago at all that he still had months to go! He's the man!
I got your letter Mom and thank
you so much! Elder O is really awesome and we've been having a good time
PLD was really great this week -
I learned a lot - I actually really like Surabaya and I really enjoy being with
the Zone Leader and learning from their examples.
This week we challenged 6 or so
of our investigators to be baptized - only one accepted - he(along with a good
portion of our investigators) is from an Island which is part of a
group of Islands called NTT which is to the East of Java. Our plan is to
baptize all of our Sumban investigators and start the church is Sumba! Wahooo!!
We're stoked for April - we've got big goals!
We also made delicious
breakfast burritos - with our homemade shells - I'll send a picture if it
Speaking of good food (or not
so good) this last Sunday and Saturday - the three bules (white people) in our
house got sick throwing up and diarrhea - that was fun! We think it was some
food we ate in Surabaya - but we're not sure! That was rough - but we'll be
better and working hard again tonight!!
Man I really love you all! and
this week I am loving the scripture 2 Nefi 2:25 "Adam fell that men might
be and men that they might have joy"! I love the great Plan of
Salvation from our Father in Heaven! Sister Rowley taught us because of this Plan
- we always have a reason to be happy and joyous! Go study that plan a little more
and make a commitment to be happier. If you don't know about that plan - ask
one of your Mormon friends to explain - it is quite amazing!
I love you all!!!!
Elder Brown