Hello selamat pagi semuanya!!
Apa kabar?? Semoga semua kabarnya luar biasa!! Semoga anda
semua sehat dan bahagia!

I had a great week serving with Elder Nordwald. Man he is
such a good guy. Definitely a change from Elder Johnson, because he's just
about as good a missionary that you could find anywhere and i sure do miss him.
That being said, Elder Nordwald is a stud!! We had a lot of fun this week.
It was a good week though we all-of-sudden weren't nearly as
busy as we have been the last three weeks with no zone conferences, no
transfers and no traveling and to be completely honest, I was way confused what
to do with all our time. The last three weeks we only had time to go visit our
progressing investigators and no one else haha So that was a nice change.
Turned out really well and we saw a lot of miracles!!
One miracle - Sunday after church we went to our friend's house and finally found him at
home. So that was wonderful to see him. We tried to remind him of the feelings of joy he had
when he had been active at church before. Please pray for him.
Cuci motor gratis - we did this at the church where we
washed people's motorcycles and cars for free!
This is a family
and we have been helping to pray together and we met the father and
invited him to make a reminder and he sent us a picture of a wonderful sign
that he had made and it made us so happy. I feel that our efforts are actually
making a difference which is a wonderful feeling!
Lemper celebration - It was the 176th anniversary of the
Relief Society which in Indonesia "Lembaga Pertolongan" or
:"Lemper" so after church we had a celebration and we all ate really
well :) That was fun! and all of our investigators stayed and enjoyed it - that
was wonderful!!
This morning, we also got up and played basketball as a
district - super fun!!!
I love you all!!
Elder Brown