Selamat hari Senin semua teman dan keluarga terkasihku!
Or as we say in the States Happy Monday my beloved friends
and family!
I hope everyone had an awesome week! I hope everyone is
happy and healthy! We had a pretty good week this, actually a week that was
luar biasa!
We had a lot of fun. There was a companionship that was
struggling in our zone and we gave the what I have began to call (or right at
this moment will begin to call) the "Perfect-Missionary Challenge".
So we decided that for this week we would do our very best to do everything
just like a perfect missionary would do it - so 100% exact obedience, talking
to EVERYONE, and the like. Then every night we would call and report how well
we did. and I am certainly not a perfect missionary but it certainly helped the
four of us do better this. It was great! Many times I didn't want to talk to
someone but I did because I knew I needed to be a better missionary and I saw
many miracles :)
Church was another miracle - we were sitting in the English
ward and in walks one of our old investigators out of the blue. That was way
exciting. He told us that He had been in Malaysia for the last two months. So
that was really great, and he even brought a friend! It was great.
We found some new people to teach and had to drop some of
our old investigators. #evilcunningnessofsatan that's always a bummer, but the
Lord is preparing people to receive our message, I know that!
Another thing that happened - i developed some kind of skin
condition on my face... ya not fun haha. BUT, what it means, is that I have a
beard. I know that was a little abrupt, but because of the scabs and stuff
Sister Rowley told me not to shave so I am officially in the mission and potentially in the world haha. So that's kind of
funny. But don't worry, it's pretty much healed up, so I should be unbearded
again soon! So no worries :) I'll send pictures of my beard haha. It's kind of
lame because I don't really look like a missionary, so hopefully it will come
off soon, so I can be a better representative of Christ... but than again
almost every representation of Christ has a beard... I don't think President
Rowley would go for that logic though haha.
Oh ya, one other cool experience we had. We were trying to
inspire a companionship of Sisters in our zone, so we just called them up and
asked what their plans were. They were planning to go contacting in the kampung
(meaning they would walk around and ask people for other people to teach, then
you go visit them - actually works pretty well). Anyways that was the same
thing that we were planning on doing, so I said "Oh great, well we have a
goal to find two new investigators and we want to give the same challenge to
you." but the only thing was we realized we only have an hour and a half
because we had an appointment later that day. So we just decided to pray and
work our hardest with faith. We ended up finding four new investigators. I
share this story just to show how much this truly is the Lord's work and not
ours. Faith is truly a powerful thing. We believed that the Lord could lead us
to people prepared to receive and because of that faith, we went to go
find those people and the Lord blessed us so that we could find them. Really
this work cannot be done with out the Lord. IT cannot be done with out His
Anyway, life is really great!! I hope that everyone is
having such a great day! and you all have a great week! I know that as I saw
throughout my week, the Lord is truly aware of us and He really wants to help
us all in the things that are important to us. He wants to help us do that which
is right in His sight. I know He loves us. And that is why I am in Indonesia
telling everyone about a loving God who cares enough to give us guidance today,
who cares enough to call a prophet and build His church on the earth.
I love you all so much!
Elder Trevor Brown
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