Monday, January 9, 2017

Goat Teeth and Testimony

Elder Brown loves Eagles.  What a treat for him.
I am so glad you to the package! That was fast! Or maybe just time is going fast! So, all that stuff I bought for you was in total probably about 40 dollars.... pretty crazy huh!!! I know the apron is Beautiful!! But you may certainly use it - I won't be offended! :) So glad you got it! The "MYB" rings stand for "Memilih yang benar" I think you know what that means!!! Life is good here in Malang!!! We've been working hard and seen a lot of little miracles though to be completely honest we don't really have any progressing investigators which can be frustrating! But life is good!! I'm really trying to figure out how I can be more in tune with the Spirit so I can learn how to do God's will rather than my own because I know he has plans for us. I know He loves the people here and wants them to receive the blessings of the gospel but if we want to help him we have to do our part to receive that revelation from the Holy Spirit! We've done a lot of RT contacting and we've had a good week. We've been rejected pretty hard here too - harder than I ever have in Magelang haha!!

We've ate some pretty weird food - one of which was "Kepala Kambing \"
or goat head. IT was disgusting!! I chose my piece t\only to realize that there were teeth on it. Yes teeth! THe whole row of teeth was still on it and according to the member who was with is Goat head is delicious. CRAZY! and sometime Sister Xiao in our district wants to eat "Hedgehog Sate" together or in other words Hedgehos Kebabs... so that's cool!! I sent you a picture of some delicious fruit salad I made - the dragon fruit makes everything purple haha.

So fun that Steph gets to stay there with you guys for a little bit!!
Being Santa at the branch party.
Now she knows what it was like for me when they all left (aka awesome!! because Mom and Dad are the best!!).

So we have a couple of investigators – one who knows everything comes to church almost every week but he has to wait to get baptized or his family will get super mad and disown him and stuff.
Then there’s another guy who also knows and believes the gospel is all true - we walk into our lesson with him and I don’t know anything about him and he's like "So I have a question- so King Benjamin..." and he just tells us all these things about King Benjamin and I'm like "Why are you not baptized?" but he just doesn't feel like it’s the right time...
So we're also working hard to find new investigators!!

But life is good! No real adventures this week (besides everyday!).
Malang is a lot like Magelang weather wise. the apartment and the church are both pretty good sized!

Food here is pretty unhealthy Mommy haha and we pretty much always eat outside the apartment but we've been running and even playing a little tennis in the mornings so I feel pretty good!!

Well everyone I love you so much! I have a testimony of what Nefi teaches that God will always provide a way for us - always!!! When we are trying to do what he wants us to do he will show us the way!!!
Miracles are coming here and I can't wait to tell you about them!!!


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